Thursday, April 4, 2013

My computer is acting up. Can anyone help?

Q. My computer (Presario Desk Top) got slower and slower and then died absolutely. The gurus told me I needed a new computer so I spent 4 hours redoing whatever you do and got it fixed. speakers don't work although they are correctly installed and the light is on. And my microphone ditto. And my camera ditto. I really need these attachments. Can anyone PLEASE tell me what to do?

A. Using a registry cleaner can clean up your computer and then make your computer faster,Why?the reason is that there may be some regsitry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause "computer slow".
Everytime you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the computer registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you've installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it's Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner to make it fast.Good Regisry Cleaner will improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!
There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.
You can download and scan your computer for free.

is recordmydesktop safe and where can i download it :):):):):)?
Q. tnx need 2 know

A. "Record-my-desk-top" is a decent software package, no advertising packaged or malware installed with this software... but i believe it is Runs in the Linux Operating system and uses the Ogg files

I am surprised there is not much information on wikipedia about this great software project.

What are you going to use Recordmydesktop for, as I believe "Wink" is a decent package to create tutorials.

Only a 32 bit, there is no 64-bit version, and it does not have sound... But it is a good tool for creating visuals for inexperienced users...

Example: "How to Install Windows XP in VirtualBox under Mepis Linux 7". It is about 23 minutes long.

This is a multiple video clip that contains links to each video on the left of the web page:

1. Install Kernel Header Files
2. Install VirtualBox
3. Create a Virtual Machine
4. Install Windows XP
5. Install Guest Additions
6. Setting up Shared Folders
7. Setting up a USB Flash Drive
8. Using VirtualBox

As each video ends, it tells you to Proceed to the next Step, so you click the corresponding link on the left of the page to continue.

The player has a green progress bar on the bottom. You can pause the player by clicking the play/pause icon on the left of the progress bar. If you click along the progress bar while the player is paused, the video jumps to that corresponding point. If the player is playing the video and you click a point in the progress bar, the video goes to that point and continues to play from there.

The video is designed to run at a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher. If your screen resolution is 1024x768, you may not see the progress bar at bottom. You should maximize your browser window by running at full screen. Firefox and some other browsers have a shortcut key assigned for this (hit F11 to toggle back and forth between full screen mode).

Here is a comparison of recordmydesktop style software...


Ok I need a time shut off?
Q. Ok i have a desk top and i have windows XP. Now evryone has been fighting for computer time. i want to know if there is a way that i can make a folder for each of my family memebers with there own codes ofcorse and after there time is up for the computer to save there data or give a 10 minute warning to save there data and shut down not allwoing them to get back on until the next day. Can anyone help me with this?


A. Try NetNanny - Be aware it's not the easiest program to log on and log off, nor is it the best to uninstall!

You might ind that they get so fed up of using NetNanny to log on\log off that they give up in the first place - result!

# Stop porn
# Protect personal info
# Limit time online
# Stop file sharing

Free Trial available.

Also, here's a nice comparison review of some Parental Control software:

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I am looking for hosted help desk software what will maintain help tickets, hardware and software inventory?

Q. The software must provide dashboard/analytics capabilities as well as the ability to e-mail issues into the hosted environment to manage tickets.

A. Try They have hosted solutions and ones you can purchase flat out. That is what I have done (purchased).... I love it.

Here is a link to my help desk - client side.

what is this: The screen resolution to execute digital camera solution disk is not sufficient?
Q. I am trying to download my digital camera disk I get this msg.: The screen resolution to execute digital camera solution disk is not sufficient? HOW can I clear this up to post pics. ?

A. In windows in your desk top properties (just right click on your desk top) you'll find monitor settings.
Reset your monitor to a higher resolution.

Barring this you could simply buy a card reader - little $$. No cable, software or hassle.

Is there a low cost Motel Reservation Software available ?
Q. My aunt runs a motel and she's still not using a proper software for her work. I think it's really inefficient at this time of the day not to use a motel reservation software. But she doesn't want an expensive one as her budget is tight and it must be an easy to use motel reservation software.

A. Was looking for a while for a cheap Motel Reservation Software too but couldn't find it until 2 months ago I saw this one available for free trial.

I have since used it for my motel running and it's perfect for me. For the price, it is an excellent motel reservation software.

This motel reservation softwareoffers an easy to use, yet robust solution for reservations, front desk, with unlimited history, easy reporting.

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What is the best business phone for restaurant?

Q. im getting a new cell phone, but i want it to be a little more advance in restaurant business. like ill be able to check the cameras over my phone or ill be able to open my pos system in my phone. stuff like that. i just wanted a few suggestions.

A. When starting a small business, choosing the right phone system can either help the company succeed or contribute to its failure. Costs, functionality, ease of set up, and other factors should be considered. Compare business phone systems in order to select the best match for a particular workplace.

Automated Attendant

First impressions are crucial for a small company. Customers want to receive information in a professional, courteous manner when they call. If they have to go through too many automated options or must repeat themselves many times because the system didn't understand their words, they will likely get frustrated and call another service provider. Compare business phone systems to receive the best automated attendant services. Also known as a virtual receptionist, this function allows callers to be transferred to a particular extension without the necessity of an operator or a receptionist. A caller will hear the recorded greeting first, and then be prompted to make the correct selection to talk to the desired person. However, some systems do allow a caller to talk to a live operator by selecting '0' or another number. Many small business phone systems include a simple menu such as, 'For sales, press 1, for service, press 2.' Most providers include the automated attendant in their services at no additional cost.

Simple Set-up

Another important factor remains to be the complexity of set up. Entrepreneurs and executives hold their time as form of commodity and do not want to waste it. Making a profit is not achieved by waiting for hours or even days for a technician to come and install a small business phone system. Looking for providers that offer simple set up without any additional hardware needed will save lots of time and money.

Many small business phone system vendors allow managers to buy online with easy, secure purchasing. Followed by a set up that takes just a few minutes, these types of services can increase productivity very quickly without hassle or complicated steps.

Free Trials

To compare business phone systems, take advantage of many companies' free trials. Some of these offers let a user practice with the system for a limited time, while others maintain the trial for as long as needed. Trying before buying provides a way for potential customers to make sure the system is easy to use and that it offers all the features their company requires.

Included Features Or Extra Add-ons

Office telephone systems can come with virtually hundreds of features for switching calls and directing traffic. However, some companies only need a few of the features, but don't want to have to pay an additional fee for each feature they add to a basic plan. Some of the most common aspects of a small business phone system include voice mail, music while on hold, and conferencing. Shop around and compare business phone systems to locate a vendor that charges a low monthly fee without any extra costs for features. This will enable you to avoid a large surprise bill at the end of the month.

Simple To Use

No one wants to deal with the hassle of a small business phone system that requires hours of training or days of being on hold with a help-desk associate because the software is too complicated. Compare business phone systems to find one that functions similar to a Web 2.0 style browser-based interface. These services tend to be as easy to use as email. Managing these types of systems also allows a manager to add and remove users in seconds. Also, many of these products work seamlessly with multiple types of supported phones, such as a desk, mobile, or softphone on a laptop.

Voicemail To Text

Imagine how much time could be spared, if voicemail could be read instead of listened to again and again. Some small business phone systems offer voicemail-to-text transcription to make this a reality. The system answers the call by forwarding all voicemail to the user's email account as an attached audio file with a written transcription of the message.

Additional Useful Features

Other facets to look for in a small business phone system are intelligent call routing, unlimited long distance service, and web widgets that allow customers to click on the company's web page to automatically call the correct person. These features ensure that office executives will never miss another call while away from the office. They also don't incur additional fees with plans offered by some providers.

How does paper port compare with neat desk for organizing and importing documents and receipts?

A. Hello,
My name is Jenn Choi and I'm an employee of The Neat Company. There are some similarities between PaperPort and NeatDesk, however, there are also some notable differences. At a high level, both products let you scan documents, organize them digitally on your computer and create searchable PDFs. However, NeatWorks, the software that comes with NeatDesk, is different from PaperPort in that it identifies and extracts key information from receipts (vendor, date, payment type, amount, etc.) and business cards (name, address, phone number, email address, etc.) and populates that data automatically in a searchable digital filing cabinet. Additionally, users can create expense reports, track spending, manage tax deductible expenses and export data to application such as QuickBooks, TurboTax and Outlook.

If you purchase directly from us, we offer a 30 day return policy. If the product doesn't meet your needs, we'll provide you with a shipping label so you can return it for a full refund. If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at


how would i go about learning how to build a computer from scratch?
Q. and when i say from scratch i mean it. everything i look up online just tells you how to put the already made parts like the motherboard and stuff together. but i want to know how you would create the motherboard and everything else inside of it from scratch. i want to know how everything actually works. any helpful websites or anything would be appreciated. thank you.

A. It is not practical to make everything from scratch, any more than you could make the pressed steel wheel of a car. It may look simple, but the machine that makes it is not.

The key components are integrated circuits which are very complex, with literally millions of transistors on a single chip.

Even buying the components, designing a circuit board and installing and testing them all is a heavy duty task - not something that comes from a book. Manufacturers develop expertise over time and hire and buy it. This is probably at a level well beyond what an individual can achieve, maybe not impossible, but wow. I have designed and made smaller computers using microprocessors. Even that is a big effort. Sometimes the application can be so simple that it is easy though, using only a few components. Another point is that manufactured items tend to be cheaper than making it yourself, especially as the complexity increases.

The steps are:
Select a microprocessor to suit the application, based on the application, your knowledge and experience.

Get the data sheet, study it and understand it.

Draw the schematic with additional devices for functions not on the microprocessor. These could be for inputs, outputs, power supply, memory, programming, communications, display etc. This defines the connections between components, what components to use. It is also the source for the following steps.

Convert the schematic to a printed circuit board layout to suit your chosen manufacturer. Once again a precision multi-layer circuit board is not something you can make at home, so you send the drawings to a specialist.

Assemble the components to the board. Work out a test procedure and apply that. This will involve a simple program usually. You are lucky or ultra-smart? Ok it works.

Write the software for the application. This may be the biggest design effort.

The only practical way to make a PC is to buy ready made boards and modules like the mother board and power supply. With other simpler computers it is also better to buy off the shelf boards or kits designed for hobbyists. If you have years of experience and a degree it will become possible to develop high end stuff yourself.

If you want a related thing, but in the range of practicality, the March 2011 issue of a magazine called SIlicon Chip introduces a great and powerful but inexpensive chip called a PIC32. It has a project to make a simplified desk top computer using it (not a PC). The part number for this device is from MicroChip (company). See the first link. The project is op0en source and called the Maximite (second link). The cost of this powerful chip is no more than some of the more basic ones - about $12 in one off quantities, but the big advantage is that almost anything you might need is on it, so no difficult design, no discovered shortages in performance or hardware later. Also the chip manufacturer company provides free development software. It is really cheap, really powerful, "almost unlimited", certainly comparing with earlier chips..

Other ideas that are common for hobbyists to build simpler microcomputers are the Arduino, Picaxe, Basic Stamp and just PIC and AVR computer chips in general. These will be computers that connect to a PC for display, but can do real world measurement and control of machines etc.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to create a document on a Mac?

Q. I may have regretted buying this Apple desk top! I need to create a document. I understand it may be known at Text Edit and is in the applications folder. I have found that. But as usual it is not highlighted or bold so will not open. I am only somewhat computer literate so I us Macs for dummies. Thanks for your help.

A. "I need to create a document."
Every file is a document. You must mean a Word document.

"But as usual it is not highlighted or bold so will not open."
Do you mean you cannot even open TextEdit? Also, what does "as usual" mean? Are you not able to do anything with this computer? For that, create a new admin user.

All computers (including all Windows PCs) are sold WITHOUT Microsoft Office, unless the shop is breaking the law. They have to sell you a legitimate copy of MS Office with the original Microsoft DVD or they are pirating software.

First off, TextEdit will open Word documents. It won't do a great job of editing them. I have both iWork and Microsoft Office on my Macs. I have a long list of ways that iWork is better than Office and another list of how Office is better than iWork, so you'll have to feel it out for yourself, based on the dozens of online reviews that compare the two suites. To get a "file.DOC" from any non-Microsoft app, you have to export the file. For exasmple, in iWork's Pages app, you go to the menu bar, "Share" > "Export".

Three options:
-- MS Office (Word) 2008 (up to OS 10.6.8) or 2011.
-- iWork (Pages).
-- NeoOffice.

{NeoOffice is the direct Mac development of OpenOffice, and thus has a better interface, smaller size. Most people learn about OpenOffice from PC use, but don't know there is a better free version.}

MS Office can edit any office document. iWork Pages can edit / save any .DOC document, but can only view .DOCX documents. NeoOffice can edit / save any office document. Both Pages and NeoOffice can export original or edited documents as .DOC. NeoOffice can also export as .DOCX.

Ease of use:
-- Word: 8.5
-- Pages: 9.5
-- NeoOffice: 6.5

-- MS Office 2011: US$100-150 (reduced from previous versions from competition with iWork)
-- iWork: $79 (DVD purchase at / Pages $20 (download through App
-- NeoOffice: free

How can you access a computer using a ip address?
Q. Is there a simple program for mac or windows that i can enter my home ip address and get access to view the computer? I am not looking for logmein or sharemypc but a program where you just enter the ip address.

A. Yes, actually there's a program called Netbus 1.7 or Netbus pro
1.7 is for noobs it was everything on it lol ill tell you the features on it

you can talk to the hose
screen dump(spy on em)
listen(keylogg em)
use there desktop to access anything
scare them

theres TONS of features

here ill give you the link for Netbus pro and 1.7!

oh by the way, you need a router


turn off antivirus itll detect it as a virus because its a hacking tool

here ill show you a video i made

heres the downloads:

NetBus Pro Setup

NetBus 1.7 Setup (If link didn't work for you)

None of them are viruses

trust me you can even scan the software
but yes it is a trojan it does not harm your pc its just like remote desk top on your computer but much much more features!


What problems do I face upgrading to Windows 7 from Vista XP?
Q. what conflicts can I expect with software, hardware, etc? just want to prepare myself because I know this isn't going to be a piece of cake!

A. 1) Windows 7 still has all the security of a drunken teenager in a sports car. From Windows for Workgroups and NT 3 until today, Windows is a security joke. It used to be that running Windows just put your head into the noose. Now, millions of lazy Windows users are the reason why the Internet is a mess. If you already do all the right things to keep XP running safely, you're not going to get any safer by buying Windows 7.

2) Windows 7, no matter how you buy it, is expensive. Does your budget have the extra cash to buy a new and improved taskbar!?

3) Upgrading from XP to Windows 7 will require that you do a clean install. That means everything on your hard disk gets vaporized during the 'upgrade." Vista users have it easier. So long as they're moving from equivalent version to equivalent version or to Windows 7 Ultimate they can update without needing to rebuild their systems.

There are lots of ways, like Microsoft's own Windows Easy Transfer and I'm sure there will be many more, to migrate your data from your old system to your new one, but all of them take work. If you have a business with dozens to tens-of-thousands of Windows PCs you can count on a honking, huge upgrade bill.

4) Did you notice what I didn't say above? I didn't mention transferring your old programs and device drivers from XP to Windows 7. For that, Easy Transfer and most of the first generation of migration programs are of no help at all. You'll need to reinstall your old programs and device drivers. Then, you'll need to update all those programs and drivers. Doesn't that sound like fun? Doesn't that sound like hour after hour per PC of migration work?

5) XP already works. I can tell you chapter and verse on why you'd be better off running desktop Linux or put a Mac on your desk. Most of you though are happy running XP. If that's you, I'll be darned if I can think of a single, significant change that you'll get from running Windows 7 instead of XP.

For More Information and help related to windows 7 issues

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What is the software version of the card index box?

Q. Before computers, every desk had on it a card index box. An A-Z index of all your clients or contacts etc, with loose cards for each letter, each client on a card, and you could write updates: last time you phoned them, last visit, when you sent then something, so you could estimate when they needed to be phoned, written to etc.

I am desperately seeking a software version of the card index box - or what is the nearest thing for this please?

A. Cardbox runs on Microsoft Windows (all versions including 95/98/Me, 2000/XP/Vista/7 etc.)

What is a good laptop for an accounting major?
Q. I'm heading to college very soon, and need to get a laptop before heading out. I wonder, what kind of a laptop would you recommend for a student that will be majoring in accounting? I imagine that accounting software that I might use won't require a high end laptop but I don't know for sure. I'd like to spend less than $500.

And if it helps I'm going to the University of Oregon.

A. You do not need a high-end laptop and since they get stolen frequently you are WISE to stick to yoiur price range.

But things in general are more hippety than years past so a processor in 2.4 GHz range or better and 1.0 Gb RAM or better will enable all stuff in general without much problem. You can find laptops like that in your price range, not too difficult, but DOES require effort to look around.

Big companies turn over their professionals laptops and so you may want to contact those in your area like utility firms, phone company as well as Tiger Direct and CompUSA and see what is up. Might save you $200 of your budget, eh?

OpenOffice is free and you can download that. Has a spreadsheet. You may want ACCESS by Microsoft and you may want to learn some Computer Science. I became ADEPT at ACCESS without ever having much formal education in college or computers. Noticed most all ACCESS teachers are lousy. There is a best way of explaining it, but apparently even most teachers do not make their own programs there much. Extremely versatile software.

You have spreadsheet in OpenOffice. Do not get low end Microsoft software. If you must have it, get the real business stuff or you will come to regret it. The low end stuff is crippled. Especially the typical stuff they bundle for Home Users.

Click on each and look for CPU speed and RAM size. I really do not know which is best, but you could find three that would do and then do a search on that Make and Model + Complaints or see which friends have. You could go to store and type on your choices and see which keyboard you like best -- I have found that to be a biggie factor with experience of person who does LOTS of computer work and writing.

Some have heat or battery problems. Check that out... Your laptop needs breathing room. On desk, not blanket. Keep area cleared around it.

New long-lasting batteries;_ylt=A0oGdDO.BohM5j4BnyZXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzEEZnIDbXktbXl5BGhvc3RwdmlkA2Y2bE1HVW9HZEl5RkRLRVBUSWdHcXdEdlJSblVYMHlJQnI0QUEyLnIEbl9ncHMDMARuX3ZwcwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzcnAEcXVlcnkDTmV3IGxvbmcgbGFzdGluZyBsYXB0b3AgYmF0dGVyaWVzBHNhbwMxBHZ0ZXN0aWQDU01FMDA2?p=New+long+lasting+laptop+batteries&fr2=sb-top&fr=my-myy
Hint: ALWAYS charge after use. Run it low and store a while is expensive mistake.

See which has the best OTHER features. You may already have some in mind, most sharp people do.

Back up your pc to a Maxtor Drive once in a while. You will not lose ALL your stuff if the HDD croaks. You can reload ALL to new HDD if it was backed up with Acronis True Image Home.

Note: Nothing is worse than losing all your notes and work while in some school or training because HDD croaked or laptop was stolen. What if term paper of 10 weeks work was there? Keep that backup!!!

Microsoft Office: Is there a way to use Outlook as a bulletin board between certain users on a network?
Q. Say on Outlook you start it up, and there's basically a shared notepad area, or paint area, or Note that certain users on a network can see. If one person updates it, it's seen by all those members.

Thoughts? I'm trying to find a way to share a "bulletin board" between the members of our help desk without installing other software.

A. Outlook does not have this capability.

If you need to share info you could try Google docs.

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How do i increase my computers physical memory?

Q. I got Company of Heroes for Christmas and it won't play on my computer. The message I'm getting says "Not enough physical memory to run the game. Your system must have at least 512MB of RAM"

A. Read your Motherboard Users Guide to find out what type of RAM is in your system then buy more of the same type of RAM.

From the message you wrote, your system has only 256MB RAM.

Ideally, a system running Windows XP, or Windows Media should have at lest 1GB of RAM!
Computer Help Page,25181-order,1-page,1-c,alldownloads/description.html,1697,674406,00.asp
Visit our Helpdesk for PC Bug Doctor
PC Beginner software
Chapter 1: Purchasing Components
Chapter 2: Component Overview
Chapter 3: Installing the CPU, Heatsink, and RAM On The Mainboard
Chapter 4: Installing The Mainboard In The Case
Chapter 5: Installing Drives
Chapter 6: Connecting Components
Chapter 7: Installing AGP and PCI Cards
Chapter 8: Testing the System and Completing Assembly
Chapter 9: Installing Windows XP
Chapter 10: Configuring Windows XP
Chapter 11: Installing A Dual Boot Operating System (Linux And Windows XP)
Chapter 12: Home Video -- âSo, You Want to Be the Next Steven Spielberg?â
Chapter 13: Whatâs Next?


In your case, if you decide to buy more memory (RAM)
buy either 2 sticks of 512MB RAM or one stick 1GB RAM.

Check your users guide first to insure what your motherboard accepts.


Is there a place I can cheaply build a custom desktop Computer?
Q. Hi, I am on disability, and need a computer I wan't built for around a whole sale price...with custom components like graphics, memmory, sound, etc. Is there a web site to do this?

A. Sir, cut and paste what you want, in a computer before you buy! Open a word document, go on the Internet to sites like,, others.

Start with a case, pick one, copy name and past in document, cope the WEB URL and paste, do the same with the picture, some of the specs and price. Save continually as you
put your PC together, too put the items you copy into the basket, that way you will have your price when you finish!

Info: Aluminum cases are better for heat control. Do not buy a case so small that it is difficult to work in and restricts air flow.

Do not buy a cheap power supply, you are looking at $75.00 and up with emphisess on UP!

Buy two hard drives, a small one for your operating system, the other for your data.
Never store data on the drive with your operating system! That is why so many people lose their data!

Go www.pcmagazine for good info. Thomshardware is another good site.

Computer Help Page

VISTA Upgrade or Requirements,25181-order,1-page,1-c,alldownloads/description.html,1697,674406,00.asp
Visit our Helpdesk for PC Bug Doctor
PC Beginner software
Chapter 1: Purchasing Components
Chapter 2: Component Overview
Chapter 3: Installing the CPU, Heatsink, and RAM On The Mainboard
Chapter 4: Installing The Mainboard In The Case
Chapter 5: Installing Drives
Chapter 6: Connecting Components
Chapter 7: Installing AGP and PCI Cards
Chapter 8: Testing the System and Completing Assembly
Chapter 9: Installing Windows XP
Chapter 10: Configuring Windows XP
Chapter 11: Installing A Dual Boot Operating System (Linux And Windows XP)
Chapter 12: Home Video -- âSo, You Want to Be the Next Steven Spielberg?â
Chapter 13: Whatâs Next?


A Good PC Cleaner

NTFS Boot Disk:

To place Active@ KillDisk Pro onto a floppy disk type the following at the command prompt:
The above assumes that the G:\ drive is the bootable CD-ROM drive and the A:\ drive is the floppy disk drive.
DOS4GW.EXE is a required file for Active@ KillDisk, Active@ UNERASER and Active@ Disk Image.

What is GB for a hard drive and memory? And what should look for when buying a computer?

A. I look for the GB size first in a computer.

Even if you don't need a big amount of storage at the moment, computers are upgrading so fast and software is getting so sophisticated that I always think the bigger GB of hard drive and the bigger GB of RAM (temporary memory) you can get, the better.

This one has 500 GB of hard drive and 5 GB of RAM. But I would like more :)

After that look at what you want the computer for. What would you mostly be using it for. You can cut down on the cost if there are some things you believe you won't need. For example, I had a multi card reader put in mine, but the only card I ever use on it is an SD card, so I could have cut that cost by simply adding a cheap USB card reader instead of an inbuilt one. Dell is one make that lets you pick and choose what you want to add to a basic package.

Here's a website that will give you lots of info on what to look for and how to choose:

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Is there a low cost Motel Reservation Software available ?

Q. My aunt runs a motel and she's still not using a proper software for her work. I think it's really inefficient at this time of the day not to use a motel reservation software. But she doesn't want an expensive one as her budget is tight and it must be an easy to use motel reservation software.

A. Was looking for a while for a cheap Motel Reservation Software too but couldn't find it until 2 months ago I saw this one available for free trial.

I have since used it for my motel running and it's perfect for me. For the price, it is an excellent motel reservation software.

This motel reservation softwareoffers an easy to use, yet robust solution for reservations, front desk, with unlimited history, easy reporting.

What do you think is the best brand of computers?
Q. For a desk top computer.
In terms of memory, virus protection, and all around uses.
Also needs to work for Microsoft xp.

A. It all depends on the intended useage. Thats like asking "whats the best kind of car?", it's personal preference (and to some extent advertising). I have been building and reselling computers for a very long time. Of all the manufacturers I have resold for, the best company I dealt with was Acer. They have a pretty wide range of computers and pricing, and you can still get them with Windows XP Professional. As far as a low to mid priced PC goes, that's where I would look.

If you're looking for something that will be upgradeable for the future (which most cheap PC's aren't), look into having a computer custom built.

Most OEM (HP, Dell, Acer, Gateway) computers don't come will full versions of software, you have to pay for it (extra). Don't bother getting Norton or McAfee for an antivirus, they both perform horribly and slow computers down. AVG Internet Security works VERY well, and cost half what Norton costs. Well worth the money.

For a new PC, look for Windows XP, 2GB Ram, a DVD+/-RW drive, at least 250MB hard drive. If you're looking for a complete system, get at least a 19" LCD. As for processor, if you're looking to save some money, go with an AMD Dual Core X2 5000 or better, otherwise an Intel dual core 2Ghz or better should suffice for most day to day tasks.

Hope that helps.


Free e-mail tech support for anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Custom computer systems built to your specifications.

15 years in computer service and sales.

Is there a good anti virus for my computer?
Q. Ok, so I bought my desk top like almost a month ago, and i have the anti virus Norton 360. Its free only for the first month. I cannot afford one so is there a good one I can download and will be completley free for ever?

A. yea ppl are always looking for the free stuff, look at this way with paid anti virus programs you can talk on the phone live with a tech when you come across a problem with a virus or software. with the free anti virus software you will have to email a so called tech and wait for a response. no one on one phone call tech support. on ebay you can get norton 360 real cheap for 1yr or 2yr subscription. ebay account is free to join. the only problem is that you will have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. you can use the free stuff until the norton 360 arrives in the mail.put it this way 1 ) problem with a virus or software, you email a so called tech, now you have to wait for a response by email. or 2 ) you have a virus problem or software problem, you can call norton tech support and speak live one on one with a tech. this tech will walk you through the solving the problem. you decide.

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